Gun (kundali) Milan - Match Making Kundali
The Kundli Milan Free Consultancy would give you analysis of following kundali milan points: -
Grah Maitri
- As per our Indian Vedic Astrology everybody knows above 18 Gun is ok for marriage and more than 30 Gun is very best for marriage out of 36 after clear manglik issues but sadly , it’s not true because, If only match making kundali - Gun Milan then may be many of its side effects, for our entire life and all aspects... In practical life, we have seen many people complaining problems in their marital life. So Proper Kundali Milan is the compulsory process for minimize obstacles in future misunderstanding between couples and all arouse happiness for both families.
- Because all 9 Planets Positions, Dasha, Yogas, Planetary Combinations, Dosh and Ashtkut Gun Milan etc is seen compulsory for Kundali Milan. So why should you take risk by just matching one planet Moon and Ashtkut Gun when the whole of the horoscope is important. Hence Gun Milan less or more, the match could be good or bad depends on complete horoscope matching.......... Book Now Phone Consultancy
- And other Matter is MANGLIK - Yes, it is very possible a Manglik can marry a Non Manglik if the rest of the planets are well placed and are having good yogas. Moreover, there are various cancellations and remedies which you would get to know in the personalized horoscope matching consultancy.
In present scenario, after marriage many couples have problems in their married life and this matter is increasing day by day, but why? This matter is a very crucial problem in many houses like a disease. Think about this subject?
Because we seen so many separation and divorces around us in present scenario, So it's not only Gun milan is it Kundali Milan or Match Making kundali.
So, we suggested to all our respected customers for KUNDALI MILAN to Book Now Phone Consultancy {Appointment fix within 72 hours} for proper and detailed guidance before any final decision.
Phone Consultation 30 minutes INR 3100/-
Important: For your convenience we provide you to ask maximum FOUR Kundli Milan within 30 days will be matched in this Dakshina, it means no extra charges for another THREE Kundali Milan.